Cathy Harville is enjoying an encore life as a visual artist. Her work depicts the simple, beautiful places around us. An avid kayaker, she often depicts seldom seen scenery as viewed from the perspective of her kayak. During the colder months, her reference photos provide endless subject matter. Currently, she paints in acrylics, and also likes pastels and watercolor. She has a studio in Historic Savage Mill, and lives near the Chesapeake Bay with her husband.
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Monday, November 29, 2010
The Fox and the Cat
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Slowing Down
My husband and I recently returned from a trip to Peaks island, off the coast of Maine. Ferry boats run about every hour, taking tourists and commuters to this little gem out in Casco Bay.
After just a few hours, I understood why people live on and visit the island. its charm is only surpassed by its beauty. The rock formations, and waves cresting on its ocean shores are a sight to behold. Bikes are a common mode of transportation, and we joined the small groups that were biking around the island. Stopping at several places to take photos, we drank in the sights. (Photos from the trip may be found on my Facebook page.) We also went sailing, in the slowest boat on Peaks Island! But it was relaxing and fun.
Our three day trip seemed like a week, as we read at night - no TV in the cottage. It reminded me to slow down, and enjoy what this life has to offer. I have lots of potential paintings in my photos, and looking at them will be a reminder to slow down. Life doesn't have to be a rat race. We can plod along from time to time, and just enjoy the view.
Artfully yours,
Cathy Harville
Monday, September 6, 2010
Ten Things I am Grateful for as an Artist

Ten things I am grateful for as an artist (in no particular order):
Friday, August 27, 2010
Art Therapy

Greetings to all,
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Knowing When to Stop and Start

From my personal experience, being an artist is all about starting and stopping. The creative urge is rather unpredictable. For months, I can be on a creative rampage, with long, non-stop sessions of painting and creating. Then, it is as if a famine strikes, or a drought. I sit down, and 15 minutes later, it is time to stop.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Back to Pastels

My muse has been prodding me to start painting in pastels again. So I listened. (I have posted a new pastel painting for your viewing pleasure.) "Topsail Sunset II" reminds me why I love that little island, and why I love to paint.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The Economy and Art

Greetings to all,
The economy has hit everyone so hard. As a result of the lack of jobs, pay cuts, and lay offs, people are reluctant to buy artwork. This is totally understandable! After all, you cannot eat, wear, or sleep under art. Here is my take on the economy and art sales.
But I continue to paint, nonetheless. For me, making art is an essential part of my being. Without the luxury I have to make art, I would lose a part of my being.
So, I continue to build my body of work during these hard times. Perhaps I will approach a gallery. Perhaps not. But building my body of work is actually a blessing in disguise. Having more work for future clients to choose from is important.
I have taken a bold move to have a buy two, get one free sale for prints and greeting cards. I debated whether or not to do this, since I have been taught not to discount art. I will not compromise the pricing of original art, but since prints and cards are not original work, I feel comfortable with my summer sale.
Do consider art for gifts - espcially now! When so many people are scrimping and saving, a gift of art is, indeed, a luxury to bestow upon a friend. And for the cost of a nice dinner out for two, you can purchase one of my original pieces of art.
Thank you for your continued support, and many wishes for better times ahead!
Cathy Harville, nature artist
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Finished or Not

Greetings to all,
Monday, July 5, 2010
Paralysis by Analysis

Every once in a while, I think too much. When I think too much, I cannot be fully present in the moment. And when an artist is not present in the moment, art just does not happen.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Silly Stuff

Being an artist means putting up with some silly stuff. Below is a list of things that are just plain silly!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunset Grasses

Attached is a wild waterscape that I completed recently, titled "Returning". The sun was setting as we returned from a day on the water. The grasses captured the colors of the setting sun, creating a display of color that just amazed me. The painting has a second name, "Grass Sunset".
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Creative Famines

I am going through some changes to my meds, which is causing a "creative famine". Actually, I have no trouble with planning the creative process, just in the execution.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yesterday, I talked about discipline. Today, I want to talk about finishing paintings.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Thank you to my Kickstarter Supporters

Thank you to all my Kickstarter™ Project Supporters!
$10 Contributors
· Brandi Chroniger, Owner of “FACES by Brandi” at Historic Savage Mill - treat yourself to a make-up session, a facial, and sample her many natural uplifting skincare products! 301-470-FACE (3223)
· Thomas Teabo, Owner of Angular Surveying and Mapping in Raleigh, NC.
· Stephanie Yanovitz, Creative Project Facilitator,,
· Eric Sparre, Director of Artspan – a first class, affordable website for
artists of all types! Have complete creative control over your
website look and feel, and e-mail list, and detailed
statistics. Check out for more information.
$25 Cool Contributors
· Beth Dora Reisberg
· Beth Barany – Creativity Coach, specializing in helping writers get
their books written and published!
· Bruce Montgomery
· Sara Moran
· George Randall, Owner of GER Lawn Care at
George also tutors in mathematics, and can be reached
at 301-335-7870.
· Laurinda Lee, Artist in Residence at Historic Savage Mill, Studio 113 –
· Felton Barner, Photographer and creator of ReImage Galleries –
· Marlena Lazarus
$50 Very Cool Contributors
· Sandra Kerwin
· Jill Kolody
$100 Super Cool Contributors
· Mary Long
· Shirley Teabo
· Sherrie Lazarus
$300 Awesome Contributors
· Teresa Spaid Archer – Principal of Orndorff & Spaid, Inc. - Commercial Roofing and Sheet Metal Company – 301-937-5911
· Brenda Spaid Fowler – Principal of Orndorff & Spaid, Inc. - Commercial Roofing and Sheet Metal Company – 301-937-5911
· Keith Spaid – Principal of Orndorff & Spaid, Inc. - Commercial Roofing
and Sheet Metal Company – 301-937-5911
· Alma Spaid – Wife of past owner of Orndorff & Spaid, Inc. - Commercial Roofing and Sheet Metal Company – 301-937-5911
Thank you to everyone! And a big shout out to Orndorff & Spaid, Inc.!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Summertime = Quiet Time
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Busy, busy , busy!

Thursday, April 1, 2010
My New Book May be Previewed on Blurb!

My book is now ready on Blurb for previews and purchases! Blurb is a website for self-publishing. I would be interested in what you think, and I welcome all comments, good, bad and ugly! Since this is my first book, there is no doubt lots of room for improvement.
You can buy the book from Blurb - that would be sweet! But if you fund my project, it will enable me to order a large quantity of books at a discount, to distribute as rewards, and sell at cost in my studio. Plus, they would be hand signed by me, with a sentiment of your choice.
Ultimately, I would like to use the funds from the project to work with a real, live publisher, so my book could be offered to a wider audience, and maybe even sold through book stores. It would have an ISBN number, and a SKU! I plan to meet with a local publisher, and discuss details in the next few weeks.
Of course, none of this will be a reality without your support. I want to thank those who are already backing my project. If the Amazon, online method of pledging is too confusing or time consuming for you to make a pledge, please ask me for help, or write me a check - I won't cash it unless I am fully funded. Even a few dollars will greatly help.
And please spread the word by telling all your friends! If 10 people each told 10 people, that would be 90 new, potential backers. And if half of them donated only $10, that would put me much closer to my goal.
Click on the link above to see my book on Blurb!
In life, we all get back far more than we give out. As my mom alway says, what goes around, comes around. If we all help each other, we can accomplish great things.
Thank you, and cheers,
Cathy Harville
Friday, March 26, 2010
Kickstarter Project Update - "When Land Meets the Sea"
First, I want to thank my generous backers, who give me the hope that my project will be fully funded by the deadline. I appreciate all your generosity, and I am humbled by the outpouring of support. Please continue to spread the word!
I am pleased to let you know that I have finished my book, and it is in the hands of my editor. I hope to have it posted on Blurb by mid-April, a self-publishing website that provides publishing services to authors who cannot pay the big bucks for a publishing house. Even so, self-publishing is costly, so your contributions will help make this project happen!
:When Land Meets the Sea" will be a hard cover book with a dust jacket, and 8"X10" page size. The total page count is 50 pages. Almost every page has at least one image of one of my paintings.
I can't wait to reveal it to the world!
Artfully yours,
Cathy Harville
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Update on my Kickstarter Project!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Just Launched my Kickstarter Project!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Time to Kickstart!

Greetings from snow-covered Maryland! While we wait for another dumping of the white stuff, I have some exciting news brewing in my art world!
Friday, January 29, 2010

Artfully yours,
Cathy Harville
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010
I often sit in my kayak for hours, just watching the grasses, water and trees. I like to feel the sun, the breeze, and watch nature as it moves through the day. Whenever I paint river grasses, and reflections in the murky water, they look nothing like the photograph. In fact, when viewers of my work say that it looks like a photograph, I shudder in silence, and sheepishly say thank you. Then I go to the ladies room to vomit.
Artfully yours,
Cathy Harville