My muse has been prodding me to start painting in pastels again. So I listened. (I have posted a new pastel painting for your viewing pleasure.) "Topsail Sunset II" reminds me why I love that little island, and why I love to paint.
The economy has not slowed down the making of art among artists. I find this time valuable to build a body of work, as I explore other avenues for my work. In October, I am going to exhibit a body of work called "At Water's Edge". The coastal areas are a favorite theme of mine. I just love how the land and water interact, and how the environment changes the lighting and atmosphere.
I am still struggling with a block. This is the first time I have been blocked in two years. Last time it happened, I ended up in the psychiatric hospital with a severe bipolar episode. The block may have been caused by the mood swing. In this current block, my mood is once again unstable. So I am working on my coping skills, and doing mickey mouse work to stay busy.
I have joined another art league, and have booked a restaurant and coffee shop to show my work in 2011. As I venture out to new venues, I find my muse is pleased, and the dreaded block is occasionally lifting. I just have to wait it out. There is no other way around it!
Artfully yours,
Cathy Harville
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