As I look upon the first snow of season, I am reminded how quickly time passes, and how so many people have played a role in my life in 2009. I want to take a few minutes to thank a bunch of people, for supporting me in my art, and for supporting the local art community (in no particular order):
To Howard County Arts Council - for their tireless efforts to help emerging artists on a shoe string, and their enthusiasm for my work.
To Denee Barr, who is a networking genius, and one of the most positive people I know.
To Laurinda Lee, who has become a good friend, teacher, and listener.
To Robert Genn, who lovingly posts his twice weekly newsletters
To Suzie Lane-Rose, an artist that loves to play as much as I do
To Sara Moran, my good friend who has stood by me through crises and joyful moments
To Karen Schegel, who makes my time at Savage Mill even more fun than it already is
To Jimmy, the Mill security guard, who always has the right thing to say when I need to hear it
To Roger Chase, who has endured my countless requests for impossible frames
To Felton Barner, who is one of the most talented photographers, and one of the nicest guys around
To Nancy Lazarus, who always seizes the opportunity to help, share, and give. You are truly an angel
To my friend Adrienne, whose heart is as big as the moon, and for sharing her precious new family with me
To all my clients, who keep track of my work, and show up at my receptions, and embrace my art with big hugs
To my family, whose love and friendship are unsurpassed,
To my mom, who kept my art spark alive, even when I doubted myself
To my daughter, Adrienne, who is bravely living her dream her way
And, to my husband, Dick, who is my best friend, my confidant, my lover, and my benefactor. Without him, the dream life I am living would be next to impossible.
There are many more people who I cherish and want to thank, but I have already written enough to bore the most patient person! I am looking forward to a fabulous 2010, full of creativity, fun, and love!
Artfully yours,