I recently painted two small autumn paintings, as part of an experimental period I am undergoing. I posted them on my website, and they sold within 24 hours!
You just never know how or when sales will occur. Sometimes I think it is the phase of the moon, or an ebb tide, or the art gods just may be in a good mood. But fate is fickle - it can often bring together elements in the universe in strange, but wonderful ways.
As I move through life's journey, the world is indeed getting smaller. Things click together more, and connections are more easily made.
Yesterday, I was in my studio for five minutes, and a woman came in, happy that I was open, and bought a few small things, and also ordered a print. You just never know!
I had a meeting with an artist friend at the Mill, and she offered to include me in an upcoming, very visible local art event. Such gifts can happen at any time, as long as we are open to receiving them.
So, i think I will do some more experimental work. It is good for my soul, and apparently, is helping with sales! You just never know what is around the next corner.
Artfully yours,
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